'At the six month memorial in St Paul’s Cathedral I thought of anniversaries to come. I dreamed of a dedicated piece of music to anchor forever the immense loss, the courage of survivors and emergency services and the legacy of love and community spirit that blossomed in the wake of the tragedy.
We are very grateful to Philip Stopford and Andrew Longfield for creating a song that so beautifully expresses what we wanted to say and for making it so freely available.
GRENFELL From Today' is a song for sharing so please do download the sheet music and sing it in your community or choir. ’
Esmé Page, founder, Cornwall Hugs Grenfell
Created in equal partnership by:
Cornwall Hugs Grenfell
Composer, Philip Stopford
Poet, Andrew Longfield
Film-maker, Paul Caddis
All of whom have given their
expertise free of charge.
As have:
Mike Davey (ICON Audio)
Samantha James (camera)
Richard Numeroff (camera)
Paul & Max Caddis (camera)
Jon Stubington (artwork)
Footage by kind permission:
BBC Newsnight
Channel4 News
Memorial song news and coverage
Schools, Choirs
Join your voices with our song!

Schools, choirs, join your voices with our song in an act of musical solidarity!
Please fill in your details to download the sheet music for this song. We'd love you to sing it with your choir, friends, community. Share your act of musical solidarity on social media using #GrenfellFromToday or simply #HugGrenfell and link to this page.
We'll feature as many of you as we can.
A song for sharing
Listen to choirs, community groups, and friends singing the memorial song. If you'd like to join your voice to our song please download the sheet music, learn the song - and share it on social media using #GrenfellFromToday or simply #HugGrenfell and linking to this page.
Brecon Cathedral Choristers - Grenfell From Today

Brecon Cathedral Choristers - Grenfell From Today
Memorial song news and coverage
The Sunday Times: On Friday June 8th, 'GRENFELL From Today’ will be released in iTunes and via a YouTube video. It’s a new song of remembrance and solidarity which also celebrates the community spirit that blossomed in the wake of the fire. To download free sheet music please click here.
Media contact and resources
Press release and photos can be downloaded here.
For radio stations requiring the audio file and all other media requests please use the form below.
For all other enquiries please see our main contact page