Cornwall Hugs Grenfell’s Guests Make New Memories
Following Cornwall Hugs Grenfell’s appeal, Chatbooks (based in Utah), Graphic Dealers Ltd, Photobox and UK Printed Mugs, are offering to produce physical memories for guests returning from holidays this Summer. Families who lost all their photos in the tragic Grenfell Tower Fire on June 14th, will now be able to create lasting personalised reminders of their recent Cornish holidays through the scheme. Thousands of pounds worth of gifts have been offered from photobooks in different formats (Photobox and Chatbooks) to mugs (Photobox), coasters (UK Printed Mugs) and wall canvasses (Graphic Dealers Ltd).
Over 100 guests have holidayed in Cornwall this Summer so far through Cornwall Hugs Grenfell, with 62 guests on the recent group holiday to Falmouth. Hanan Wahabi, whose family escaped from their flat on the ninth floor, commented recently in an interview on Channel4 News with Jon Snow, ‘Within our flat, the biggest loss for me was photos, of my children from when they were born - many years of photos. So coming to Cornwall’s been good, we can create new memories’. She added, on hearing of these gifts, ‘I’d like to thank these companies for helping us all make new visual memories we can keep.’
‘Photos are an incredibly important part of who we are and where we have come from. Memories of loved ones, moments with family and friends captured forever; something no-one should ever have to lose. The Cornwall Hugs Grenfell idea is a wonderful way to help start to rebuild those moments and memories and we’re humbled to play a small role in this amazing campaign,’ Christian Woolfenden, Managing Director, Photobox, who offered personalised 40 page photobooks in which guests can record over 240 images from their holiday, and souvenir mugs.
Jessica Gardener from Graphic Dealers Ltd says, ‘We just wanted to create something that these families can keep and cherish forever. We hope the canvases will help make their new accommodation feel more like home.’ On putting out the shout to their members, Gardener was delighted that Exactaprint Ltd (Glasgow), Minprint Ltd, Hussey Knights Ltd, and Colyer-Repropoint immediately stepped forward to help.
Olly Williams, director of UK Printed Mugs which is offering sets of eight personalised coasters said, ‘We wanted to offer something that would brighten up the hotel rooms in London, that so many of Cornwall Hugs Guests have been housed in, since the fire.’
Ashlee Chappell from Chatbooks, an American company based in Utah added: "We know how special family photos are, and we are so sad to hear how many people lost theirs. By gifting each guest a photobook from Chatbooks, we hope that we can help them hold onto the wonderful new memories they make together in Cornwall."
‘The print industry has come up trumps,’ said Esmé Page, founder of the voluntary organisation, Cornwall Hugs Grenfell, which was set up to offer the hope of a holiday to those affected by the fire. ‘You can’t underestimate the little windows of joy these products will open in our guests’ lives as they face the daily post-fire challenges back in London. Adults often say their best childhood memories are from holidays and for the Grenfell families, these new memories are even more important as a ‘treasure box’ and place of emotional resilience.’
How can you get involved?
‘So many people want to be part of what we’re doing and we’re very grateful for donations and pledges, large and small.’ says Esmé Page. ‘We’re particularly asking companies and accommodation providers to think creatively, as these manufacturers have done.’
The Falmouth group holiday was oversubscribed and Cornwall Hugs Grenfell is now looking to run another group holiday in late October or early November. Cornwall Hugs Grenfell is keen to hear from large accommodation providers who may be willing to offer 10-12 units in one place for the week of October 28th or November 4th.
Beyond pledges, much needed monetary donations are invited via: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/cornwallhugsgrenfellphase2
Individual properties are also invited to pledge at www.cornwallhugsgrenfell.org.
Esmé Page via cornwallhugsgrenfell@gmail.com 07803 594 285
Sara Wahabi holding canvas by Colyer Repropoint (photo by Esmé Page)
Nina-Allessia, eating ice-cream on Swanpool Beach (photo by Esmé Page)
Grenfell guests playing on paddle board with Elemental UK (photo by Rob McDowell)
Note to editors:
Cornwall Hugs Grenfell is a voluntary organisation set up by Esmé Page and began with a vision set out in a Facebook post on June 20th, ‘Imagine if we could put a Cornish holiday on the horizon of every Grenfell resident and firefighter family: a time to rest, a time to let our beautiful county bless these people and work its gentle magic.’ Since then the project has gathered 200+ pledges of accommodation and countless vouchers from local businesses for attractions and meal. This Summer the organisation has arranged numerous holidays for families in individual holiday cottages as well as the Falmouth group holiday. The project is set to run until 2019.
Follow us on twitter: @cornwallhugs
On Facebook: Cornwall Hugs Grenfell